basic dni(racists, ableists, sexists, etc)

v!vz!3p0p fans

mcyt/dsmp fans

furry haters

cringe culture

hater of any of my interests

under the age of 13

you dislike any of my friends


age up child characters

any misogynistic behavior, joke or not

C4s1n0 ¢ups fans

neopronoun antis

neurotypicals(okay if you're a mutual!)

joking about any offensive topics no matter how much you don't mean it it's not okay

nsfw accs

hate any of my comfort characters. I get major attachments to some of my comfort characters and whenever people actively hate on them I take it REALLY personally

anti self diagnosis

believe disorders can be "cured" or should be

If you support, or "are" mspec lesbians


I rely on tone indicators a lot so PLEASE use them while talking to me. ESPECIALLY when making jokes! It's really hard to tell

please do not use any romantic terms on me, it freaks me out
(unless you're a close friend doing it jokingly)

I am really paranoid about upsetting people, or being problematic so PLEASE correct me if I do something wrong, but be nice about it please

If you don't like me or what I post just block me and move on it's not that hard. genuine criticism and advice is fine, but just saying what I like\post "sucks" is just so pointless.

don't force your beliefs on me about things like hcs and such. and don't start something like "oh but this can't be canon because ___" just let me have fun

I will post angst occasionally, and I won't tag it unless it's really heavy stuff so just a heads up

I may randomly start info dumping when talking about something I like

I spamtweet a lot, so sorry for people that have notifs for me on!(if I have any)


I'll occasionally make nsfw jokes, or talk about the ones other people make, but I'll tag them!